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And all this under the Eric Gill statue promoting The Use of Children for Sex.

Overview and explanation:

The Thieves have stolen The Land, The Law and Knowledge and collect Rent, Interest and Profits from us as the necessities of life are produced.

They constitute about 2% of all families.

They allow The Enforcers (about 10% of families) to rob us: by collecting Taxes from us. The Taxes are then used to pay the 10% wages, salaries, Pensions and Perks that are higher then us, the 88%, are 'given' to us in Wages, State Pensions, 'Free' Health 'Care' and Indoctrination.

The #woke call us, the 88%, 'The Working Class'. In reality, we, the 88% are The Worked Class: The Unemployed are used to frighten and anger those who are Used ('Employed'), The Disabled are used to Anger The Unemployed and The Elderly are used to generate Profits for the Registered Drug Pushers (Big Pharma).

So, we are the 88%.

We need to peel off, one by one, the 10% (an impossibility).

Or use our votes to replace The Great Wickedness (Capitalism) with #TrueSocialism

Hence the process and plan called Co-operative Socialism.


Peace will come when The Ukraine recognises that, as Ban Ky Moon has stated, The Ukraine is still part of the Russian Federation. That, then puts the political border on Poland's eastern border and those of Slovakia, Hungary and Romania.

What the implications of that are, is to be discerned: a proposal would be a demilitarised zone from Finland southwards, to Turkey and The Balkans, as a Federation of sovereign Co-operative Socialist Commonwealths.

Thanks Chris. The #FacebookNazis have silenced me there for another 30 days, etc.

Here is my plea to my fellow Canadians:

Fellow Canadians, my name is Dr John Courtneidge. I am a British (English) born UK Subject and, by application in about 2006, a Canadian Citizen, naturalised in Scarborough, Ontario. By choice, and in solidarity with Acadian History and Heritage, I am an Acadian.

I am a Democratic and Co-operative Socialist - an old CCF-er if you will, and celebrate the contributions of former CCF-ers such as Tommy Douglas, JD Woodsworth and comrades.

Because I publish truth as best we know it, including voices dissident and discordant-to-capitalism, I cannot publish this Plea to my fellow Canadian on Facebook, due to its intolerance of truth and dissident voices: something that it shares with Marxists and Nazis.

My plea is this: at this time, we Canadians have a humbling opportunity and responsibility to help humanity move towards a world of peace: through equality and, thus, #truedemocracy.

That world of 'Peace, Order and Good Government', for and in The Common Good (Le bien commun) can be achieved by us, as Canadians and global peacemakers, by implementing the plan for true Co-operative Socialism.

The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (the CCPA) commissioned me to write five articles on this plan, which they published in their monthly journal, 'The CPA Monitor' in the winter of 2009-10 when I was living in Ottawa and volunteering and, then, working for the National Anti-Poverty Organisation, NAPO, now renamed 'Canada Without Poverty/Canda Sans La Pauvreté'.

A free PDF of those article, as a 'CCPA Reader on Co-operative Socialism' in the papers's section at (note that the e-address therein, john @courtneidge . . . is no long available - so contact me here.)

Those five articles can be used, as we did at the Occupy London 'Tent City University' outside St Pauls' Cathedral, London England in the winter of 2011-12 when I was back in the city of my birth, London, England due to long-term unemployment and consequential homelessness.

(I am presently stranded in Littlehampton, West Sussex, England due to Capitalism and Covid. Were that not the case, I would be in Ottawa, greeting this historic Convoy.)

My plea finishes with this:

Please, my fellow Canadians, join with us in Littlehampton and District and set up very local 'Guilds of Co-operators: For Peace and The Common Good' in order to co-operatively discuss this plan for Co-operative Socialism.

And to implement it from Coast-to-Coast-to-Coast in my beloved Canada, were that I could back 'Down Home'.

And, please write to me via Contact Us: I will write back!

A bientôt, salut!

Pour la paix et le bien commun,

John Courtneidge (Dr)


Tying up some loose ends.

first of all let me reiterate that the objective of co-operative socialism is not what can I get the other what can I and what can we give?

in terms of International Affairs this means that we all contribute as best we can

2 a world of wellness happiness peace and sustainable prosperity for all

this is the concept of a cooperative commonweal.

secondly a present capitalism in its latest utterly degenerate form

privatising knowledge data information but not in any sense privatising Wisdom because as far as capitalism is concerned, Wisdom and understanding. Our it's poison once we know the capitalism is simply trashing the planet and burning up. Everyone's lives and that includes the 10% that forms a praetorian guard. To protect the 2% the monarchy the aristocracy and the capitalists

Then we know that we need a replacement for capitalism.

Experience has told us that revolutionary events simply replace one set of buses with another set of bosses.

We don't need any buses and in actual fact within co-operative socialism since there are no positions of power. Then buses cannot migrate to those positions of power to tell everyone else what to do.

Because we will all know what our best contribution is.

Knowledge therefore cannot be privatised.

if a particular co-operative discovers a better way of doing something Or in vents something completely no. Then it is their contribution to everyone else's well-being and therefore their own well-being to share and give that information knowledge and data as quickly as possible. That's then becomes wisdom.

Since co-operative socialism abolishes rent interest and profits and decides a much reduced level of income inequality, the question of the use of money. in a world of co-operative socialism becomes important.

The most obvious solution to the question of banking and finance for co-operatives. Is for banks to be effectively the common purse filled up by the community as its market-based social economy co-operatives generate. financial surplus: which capitalism would call its profits, so that the financial service industry becomes a benefit to wealth creation.

Accordingly one model of a banking system would be a collection of solidarity co-operatives where the community decides through a mixture of grant and living incomes to everyone, and for those co-operatives to operate on an interest-free and not-for-profit basis.

Eventually of course since the use of money will disappear, these banking systems will become redundant.

One possible future development for the banking system would be as part of the international support which a nation-state gives to the generation of a global Co-operative commonweal. In such a state if a country which feels that it needs extra support from countries which are more favourably placed, it could make an appeal to the national banking systems for financial support on a grant not loan basis.

That leads us to the whole question of international solidarity work which will be part of the next section.

Today's report of City of London corruption makes the earlier Radio Interview all the more important. The corruption report:
The Radio Interview:
PS: the interview starts after a short conversation about Franco and Spain.

At Occupy London, at Labour Action for Peace and at Bromley Co-op Party we invite everyone to join with us in promoting, to implementation, audit and celebration the living plan for Co-operative Socialism.

And, thus, help create a Co-operative Commonwealth here in the UK. And thus help create the Co-operative Commonweal: The Wellness of All, in The Wellness of All.

So:  We invite all to examine, debate, adopt and promote thIs living plan for Co-operative Socialism.  Please invite us to answer your questions on the living plan for Co-operative Socialism. Just as Plaistow North Branch Labour Party in East Ham, and two Positive Money local branches (in Greenwich and Lewisham and in Tower Hamlets have already done).

To reply to this message, please go to Contact Us.

This page needs updating......

 Co-operative Socialism - Updated Petition to UK Parliament.

Requesting a debate on the plan for Co-operative Socialism

From John Courtneidge

Refined Petition text: 6 February 2018


Could you click the link to indicate your support for this *refined* petition text?

Click this link to sign the petition:




Ps: please, if you supported the earlier versions, please do so again.


And remember that, if you do sign, you have then to confirm that: by clicking on a 'Confirm this' e-mail that you'll subsequently find in your e-mail Inbox.



Here are the Petition details:

I’ve made a petition – will you sign it?

Click this link to sign the petition:

My petition:

We request that the Government implement the plan for Co-operative Socialism.

A radically-different economic system, rather than capitalism, is needed to create a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world. This Petition, therefore, invites all Members to debate the plan for Co-operative Socialism, details of which are collected at a relevant Occupy London web-page.

More can be found in the papers' section at - Including the 'CCPA Reader on Co-operative Socialism'. For this Petition, we have created a new web-site, to cover five policy areas: Why and How Land Issues Workplace Issues Money, Finance and Banking Issues Income Issues A definition of 'Co-operative Socialism: a set of policies to help create the co-operative commonwealth: a world of human and ecological co-operative relationships.'

Click this link to sign the petition:

What Co-operative Socialism Isn't

On another page, a comrade and friend asked: Thanks, John. I think not many of us in Momentum will disagree with any of that. Some of us, though, might wonder what the difference is between Co-operative Socialism, and Socialism? I'm certainly confused.

I replied: Thx Dave! Well, the largely-understood definition of socialism is, in the US, whatever went on in Russia, Eastern Europe, etc, and North Korea, now.  In these countries socialism is seen (or explained) as centralised State control and direction.

None of those Authoritarian, top-down schemes are what true socialism is. True socialism is horizontalist and noncoercive. Which is what I/we hope that the plan for Co-operative Socialism aims to achieve.  I/we therefore hope that Momentum will join Labour Action for Peace, Bromley Co-op Party and Occupy London in adopting and promoting the plan for Co-operative Socialism . . . Starting with a local Momentum group . . . !