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My Plea To My Fellow Canadians, as The Freedom Trucks roll to Ottawa

Thanks Chris. The #FacebookNazis have silenced me there for another 30 days, etc.

Here is my plea to my fellow Canadians:

Fellow Canadians, my name is Dr John Courtneidge. I am a British (English) born UK Subject and, by application in about 2006, a Canadian Citizen, naturalised in Scarborough, Ontario. By choice, and in solidarity with Acadian History and Heritage, I am an Acadian.

I am a Democratic and Co-operative Socialist - an old CCF-er if you will, and celebrate the contributions of former CCF-ers such as Tommy Douglas, JD Woodsworth and comrades.

Because I publish truth as best we know it, including voices dissident and discordant-to-capitalism, I cannot publish this Plea to my fellow Canadian on Facebook, due to its intolerance of truth and dissident voices: something that it shares with Marxists and Nazis.

My plea is this: at this time, we Canadians have a humbling opportunity and responsibility to help humanity move towards a world of peace: through equality and, thus, #truedemocracy.

That world of 'Peace, Order and Good Government', for and in The Common Good (Le bien commun) can be achieved by us, as Canadians and global peacemakers, by implementing the plan for true Co-operative Socialism.

The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (the CCPA) commissioned me to write five articles on this plan, which they published in their monthly journal, 'The CPA Monitor' in the winter of 2009-10 when I was living in Ottawa and volunteering and, then, working for the National Anti-Poverty Organisation, NAPO, now renamed 'Canada Without Poverty/Canda Sans La Pauvreté'.

A free PDF of those article, as a 'CCPA Reader on Co-operative Socialism' in the papers's section at (note that the e-address therein, john @courtneidge . . . is no long available - so contact me here.)

Those five articles can be used, as we did at the Occupy London 'Tent City University' outside St Pauls' Cathedral, London England in the winter of 2011-12 when I was back in the city of my birth, London, England due to long-term unemployment and consequential homelessness.

(I am presently stranded in Littlehampton, West Sussex, England due to Capitalism and Covid. Were that not the case, I would be in Ottawa, greeting this historic Convoy.)

My plea finishes with this:

Please, my fellow Canadians, join with us in Littlehampton and District and set up very local 'Guilds of Co-operators: For Peace and The Common Good' in order to co-operatively discuss this plan for Co-operative Socialism.

And to implement it from Coast-to-Coast-to-Coast in my beloved Canada, were that I could back 'Down Home'.

And, please write to me via Contact Us: I will write back!

A bientôt, salut!

Pour la paix et le bien commun,

John Courtneidge (Dr)