The most direct action, it seems, is to wriite to your MP, or other elected representative, and ask if they support the present Plan for Co-operative Socialism.
Something like: Dear MP,
I'm writing to you as one of your Constituents to ask if you support the present Plan for Co-operative Socialism?
Details of which can be found by web-searching the term "Co-operative Socialism" or by visiting the papers' page at or, with explanatory videos at
If YES you do support this plan for Co-operative Socialism, are you promoting it? - to = for example - your Parliamentary colleagues and Constituency electors?
If, NO, you do not support this plan for Co-operative Socialism, could you please write to let me know why not - I will be sharing your reply with other people and groups.
Don't forget to add your name, address and Post code. A letter through the post is much more likely to get a reply: a hand-written letter even more so. Ps you can find out who your MP in the UK is at